[Irtalk] FW: [EIFLoa] IFLA/EIFL/COAR Open Access Workshop at the WSIS Forum 2012, May 17th, 16.15-18.00

Smith, Ina <ismith@sun.ac.za> ismith at sun.ac.za
Tue May 15 07:01:44 SAST 2012

From: eifloa-bounces at lists.eifl.net [eifloa-bounces at lists.eifl.net] On Behalf Of Iryna Kuchma [iryna.kuchma at eifl.net]
Sent: 15 May 2012 01:15 AM
To: eifloa
Subject: [EIFLoa] IFLA/EIFL/COAR Open Access Workshop at the WSIS Forum 2012,   May 17th, 16.15-18.00

(Forwarded message from Stuart Hamilton )

Dear Colleagues

I’m pleased to draw your attention to a workshop organised by IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries, SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) at this week’s World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum in Geneva (http://groups.itu.int/wsis-forum2012/Home.aspx). The workshop takes place on Thursday 17th May, 16.15-18.00.

Rethinking the Agenda for Development: Open Access Policies and Practice

Open access seeks to remove price and permission barriers that prevent knowledge from being shared. It creates an unprecedented opportunity to provide equality of access to essential research information and to raise awareness of national research. The WSIS Forum 2012 offers a timely opportunity to look at current achievements in the field of open access - policies and practices – and hold a detailed discussion about their implications for development and how open access can help to rethink the development agenda.

The workshop’s starting point will be a presentation of best practice regarding the implementation of open access policies – how they were drawn up and implemented, and whether their results not only increased content but also allayed concerned on the part of researchers. Following an introduction of policies the workshop will call on presenters who are currently in the middle of similar processes, and they will describe the challenges they are facing to implement their programmes. The second part of the workshop will focus more on advice and tools to implement open access policies in support of development. Participants will be encouraged to bring their problems, hypothetical or real, to the panel for advice and discussion. This interactive session will be able to harness contributions from in the room and also from remote participants. Presenters will be joined on a panel by an expert on the development agenda.

Panellists in Geneva:

•         Lars Bjornshauge, Director of Library Relations, SPARC Europe and Chair of International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Open Access Taskforce (Denmark)

•         Eve Gray, Honorary Research Associate, Centre for Educational Technology, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

•         Silvia Nakano, Director of the Science & Technology National Directorate of Physical Resources, Ministry of Science Technology and Productive Innovation (Argentina)

•         Stuart Hamilton, Director of Policy and Advocacy, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (United Kingdom)

Further information on the session can be found here: http://groups.itu.int/wsis-forum2012/Agenda/DraftAgenda.aspx?se=42173

Remote Participation

For those of you who cannot make it to Geneva, you can follow in the workshop online, and even use the remote participation facilities to ask questions to the panellists or make observation. Further information can  be found here:

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions, and do feel free to forward this message further to your networks. For anyone with an interest in open access who will not be in Geneva, I strongly encourage you to consider remote participation so that we can have a good discussion and make sure that all viewpoints are covered.

Kind regards,


Stuart Hamilton
Director of Policy and Advocacy
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague

00 31 70 314 0884

Twitter: @iflaspa

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