[Irtalk] Call for Papers: 1st National Conference hosted by Botswana Library Consortium: "Open Access drive and Digital Scholarship in Africa" - Extended Deadline for Submission of abstracts - 10th August 2012

Elsabe Olivier Elsabe.Olivier at up.ac.za
Mon Jul 23 10:43:54 SAST 2012


P.O. Box 602162

Call for Papers: 1st National Conference hosted/organized by Botswana
Library Consortium (BLC) 24-25 October 2012, 
Target Audience: academics, researchers, authors, journal editors,
societal publishers, directors of research institutes, policy makers,
research funders/funding agencies, media, government departments,
information professionals
Conference Venue: Mokolodi Nature Reserve, Gaborone, Botswana.  
Theme: “Open Access drive and Digital Scholarship in Africa”

“Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and
free of
most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is
internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder. OA is
compatible with peer review and all the major OA initiatives for
and scholarly literature insist on its importance. Just as authors of
journal articles donate their labor, so do most journal editors and
participating in peer review” Peter Suber

Open Access (OA) Week is organized to raise awareness, celebrate the
progress, share benefits and experiences about providing free online
to research results and their use for socio-economic development. To
commemorate the Open Access Week, this year the OA Sub-Committee of
Botswana Library Consortium (BLC) is organizing a two-day conference
October 2012. The Conference intends to bring together universities,
research institutes, colleges, government departments, media, societal
publishers, funding agencies, and libraries to share ideas on
publishing, policies, access to information, economic benefits and

The conference organizers are calling for abstracts on a range of
sub-themes, but not limited to:

Sub - themes

Open Access and its promotion at institutional and national level
Open Access advocacy, adoption and promotion in Africa
Open Access and socio-economic development in Africa
Open Access repositories at institutional and national level
Open Access publishing services and software
Open Access and knowledge management
Electronic theses and dissertations in an Open Access environment
Impact of Open Access on digital scholarship
Copyright or Intellectual property rights in an Open Access
New approaches to conduct and communicate research and alternative
publication methods
Open Access initiatives and benefits in Africa
Open Access policies & strategies at institutional and national level
Models of financially sustained funding programs for Open Access
Role of information professionals in Open access movement

§  Infrastructure and resources for Open Access in Africa

§  The future of Open Access in Africa

§  Building collaborative partnerships for Open Access drives in

Important Dates

10th August 2012: Submission of abstracts (Extended Deadline)

17th August 2012: Notification of acceptance of abstracts

25th August 2012: Submissions of full papers

8th September 2012: Notification of acceptance of full papers

Contact Person: All the correspondence and queries should be referred

Prof Priti Jain

Tel: + (267) 355-5086

E-mail: jainp at mopipi.ub.bw


Copy to: Reason Baathuli Nfila

Tel: + (267) 355-2300

E-Mail: nfilar at mopipi.ub.bw

Author’s Guide

Title of conference paper (Calibri body, 14; sentence case; centre)

First name + Surname (Calibri body, 12)

Job Title
City, Country


Same info/same style for each additional authors

Abstract: Italic, Calibri body, 9; A brief and informative between 200
300 words. Align left, but justify text under your abstract;

Keywords: Maximum seven key words that closely identify key issues
in your paper;

Font style & size: Calibri body, 12 throughout the paper;

Use English: UK English and the same spell checker

using Tab key rather than spacing

Reference: American Psychological Association (APA) Referencing style
be used for all reference sources and the list of reference should be
produced in alphabetical order.

Length of a full paper: Maximum length of the paper should not exceed
words (inclusive of abstract, references/bibliography);

Line spacing: 1.5 and full justification;

Page number: Insert page numbers at the bottom aligned centre;

Tables and figures: All tables and figures should be numbered

Captions should be clear and simple, although sufficient information
be provided for the table or figure to be understood without further
reference to the text.

Bibliographic Note: Each paper should be submitted with a brief
bibliographic note about the author not exceeding five lines.
Elsabe Olivier 
Manager: Open Scholarship
NDLTD Board Member
Department Library Services
Office 2.24.4
University of Pretoria
PO Box 12411
Hatfield, PRETORIA
South Africa

Tel.: + 27 12 420 3719
Fax: +27 362 5182
E-mail: elsabe.olivier at up.ac.za
Skype: elsabe.olivier

Twitter: elsabeolivier
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