[Irtalk] FW: [EIFLoa] Open Access Advocacy: How students, student organizations and student governments can get involved

Smith, Ina <ismith@sun.ac.za> ismith at sun.ac.za
Fri Jan 27 12:08:01 SAST 2012

From: eifloa-bounces at lists.eifl.net [mailto:eifloa-bounces at lists.eifl.net] On Behalf Of Iryna Kuchma
Sent: 26 January 2012 13:34
To: eifloa
Subject: [EIFLoa] Open Access Advocacy: How students, student organizations and student governments can get involved

Open Access Advocacy: How students, student organizations and student governments can get involved

Event date and duration: Tuesday, January 31, 16:00-17:00 CET / 10:00-11:00 EST

Location: Online

Registration is free, but required. RSVP by Tuesday, January 31, to iryna.kuchma at eifl.net<mailto:iryna.kuchma at eifl.net>

Are you a student or a young researcher? Do you want to get engaged in Open Access, educate your peers on the severe barriers to access to the latest research, the benefits of Open Access, and how to get involved that the student voice for Open Access becomes louder and stronger? Interested in learning more about the Student Statement on the Right to Research and about Right to Research Coalition?

Please join us for a conversation with Nick Shockey, Director, Right to Research Coalition<http://www.righttoresearch.org/> and Director of Student Advocacy, SPARC<http://www.arl.org/sparc/>.

The Problem: Students can't access essential research...
As a student, it's no secret that academic journals are crucial to our research, our papers, and our understanding of both fine details and the larger, overall picture of everything we study. Yet, students often run into access barriers while to trying to do research, forcing us to settle for what we can get access to, rather than what we need most. Over the past two decades, the price of subscriptions to academic journals has increased tremendously, to the point where they're often out of reach for students, even at the most well funded institutions.

The Solution: Open Access

Luckily for students, doctors, patients, and everyone else who relies on academic journals, there is a proven alternative to costly subscription-based based journals. Using the Internet, research can be distributed to a wider audience at a very low marginal cost - the difference between what it costs to distribute an article to one person or to one million people is very small. Instead of locking information behind price barriers, research can reach anyone who needs it, regardless of university affiliation, geographic location, or ability to pay. It's time for a new model - it's time for Open Access.

How to register

To register your interest in attending the workshop, please email iryna.kuchma at eifl.net<mailto:iryna.kuchma at eifl.net> by Tuesday, January 31 stating your name, institution, email address, and country.

How to participate

Once your place is confirmed, you will receive a URL and password for the session. All you will need is an internet-connected computer with sound (and maybe headphones if you are in a busy room).

To check if your computer will be able to access the session successfully, please go to www.instantpresenter.com/systemtest<http://www.instantpresenter.com/systemtest>.

The event is organized within 15th annual workshop Informational resources for education and scholarship in Ukraine organized by National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy with the partners: NGO ELibUkr "Electronic Library of Ukraine", NGO "Informatio-Consortium" Association, EIFL, Ukrainian Library Association (University Libraries section).

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