[Irtalk] Don't miss out on the ETD 2012 Symposium in Lima, Peru - Early Registration Deadline Expires Tomorrow

Elsabe Olivier Elsabe.Olivier at up.ac.za
Tue Aug 14 18:29:55 SAST 2012

Don't miss out on the ETD 2012 Symposium in Lima, Peru - Early
Registration Deadline Expires Tomorrow
The early discount registration deadline for the ETD 2012 Symposium
(September 12-14) expires August 15, 2012. Register today at the NDLTD
member rate of only US $225. For complete information about ETD 2012
visit http://www.etd2012.edu.pe.
ETD 2012 is the only international conference dedicated to electronic
theses and dissertations, and issues related to the promotion of open
access and the development of digital repositories. The Conference
program includeskeynote presentations by international scholars such as
Joan Lippincott (Coalition for Networked Information - USA), Félix de
Moya y Anegón (University of Granada - Spain), Daniel Ferreras (West
Virginia University / SPARC - USA) and John Hagen (Renaissance Scholarly
Communications – USA); as well as 24 papers and 17 posters by
librarians, graduate school administrators and information technology
professionals. In addition, ETD 2012 will also offer pre- and
post-conference workshops on implementation, preservation and other
institutional repository services. The conference has been designed to
discuss approaches to digital preservation issues, technological
developments in institutional repositories, copyright intellectual
property issues, digital libraries, national and international
initiatives on open access, ETD multimedia, data curation and other
knowledge management issues. The conference is aimed at university
administrators, librarians, scholars, faculty, computer scientists and
all those who are involved with knowledge management. 
Don't miss out on learning the latest information and trends critical to
your mission and the many unique networking opportunities with an
international audience. Enjoy the fabulous culture, art, gastronomy,
ancient archaeological sites and natural wonders of Peru. ETD 2012 and
Machu Pichu are waiting for you - register online today!

Elsabe Olivier 
Open Scholarship Manager
Department Library Services
University of Pretoria
South Africa
Tel.: + 27 + 12 + 420 3719
Fax: +27 12 362 5100
E-mail: elsabe.olivier at up.ac.za
Skype: elsabe.olivier
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