[Irtalk] Accredited Open Access Journals

Elsabe Olivier Elsabe.Olivier at up.ac.za
Wed Jul 27 07:26:15 SAST 2011

Dear Colleagues
I am sure most of you are aware of the University of Pretoria's AOAJSA
list which is a list of Accredited Open Access Journals South Africa. It
can be viewed 
here : http://www.library.up.ac.za/aoajsa.htm 
The following link contains a list of Open Access titles available in
Web of science:
Elsabe Olivier 
Manager: Open Scholarship
NDLTD Board Member
Department Library Services
Office 4.16.1
University of Pretoria
South Africa
Tel.: + 27 12 420 3719
Fax: +27 12 362 5100
E-mail: elsabe.olivier at up.ac.za
Skype: elsabe.olivier

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