<div dir="ltr">During the first week of November, South Africa was host to two major Open Access meetings: Open Access Africa (#OAAfrica2012), an event sponsored by BioMed Central and hosted by the University of Cape Town from November 4-5, and Berlin 10 (#Berlin10SA), hosted by Stellenbosch University from November 6-8, 2012. Approximately 150 delegates attended the Open Access Africa meeting, and nearly 270 delegates participated in Berlin 10. Collectively, the two meetings covered Open Access issues in great depth, breadth, and scope. This article is the second in a series and focuses on issues broadly related to Open Access and international development that were raised during both meetings<br>
<a href="http://www.coar-repositories.org/news/nov2012southafricaoameetings-part2/">http://www.coar-repositories.org/news/nov2012southafricaoameetings-part2/</a></div>