[Duraspace] Why Big Foundations Ganging up for Open Access is Important - Science Research | Grants | Fundraising - Inside Philanthropy

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 11:08:03 SAST 2015

Ford just became the latest large foundation to announce it will require
its grantees to allow open access to the work it funds. It’s a nice
sentiment, and heavyweights making this decision builds real momentum
toward breaking up closed models of exchanging information.

Ford, Gates, Packard, Open Society, Hewlett. They’re some of the largest
and most influential foundations in the country. But they have another
thing in common—they now all require grantees to publish their work under a
Creative Commons license, an alternative to copyright that explicitly
allows some level of open access by others.

A few of these funders have made this decision in just the past year or so,
and are mandating the most open version of Creative Commons license (CC
BY), which means grantees must allow use, reuse, and remixing, even for
commercial purposes, asking nothing but attribution in exchange.

*Why are these huge foundations getting onboard with giving away what
otherwise might be considered copyrighted material? *

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