[Duraspace] 2015 Educational Technology Forecast: Increasingly Cloudy Skies | K12 Ninja

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 22:31:14 SAST 2015

*The future belongs to the designers who can create elegant solutions made
to run on any connected device regardless of brand. Applications that come
bundled with a specific device or run only under a specific OS are no
longer valid solutions in a world of ubiquitous technology and
connectivity.* Technology directors will need to make tough decisions and
find alternatives to the programs and services that are currently holding
them hostage.

*​This is why a very good working Mirage 2 theme is very important for

*​See: ​http://wiki.lib.sun.ac.za/index.php/SUNScholar/XMLUI_Theme/M2
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