[Duraspace] Welcome to panOpen | panOpen promotes the widespread adoption of open educational resources (OERs)

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Sun May 4 11:48:36 SAST 2014

Imagine that you were now going to build from scratch a system for the
production, organization, and sharing of learning materials globally using
the latest technologies, and that you were truly unfettered by the ways
we’ve previously done this. What would such system look like?

This question helps establish the organizing principles of our new venture,
panOpen. More broadly, it’s a question that bears directly on academic
institutions themselves, as they grapple with existential concerns,
consider their purpose, and the means of realizing it.

Learning materials are not generally scholarship and they are not original
research. They are knowledge and information that instructors use to
introduce students to particular subject areas. They are a summary of the
established ideas, principles, or theories of a discipline; generally the
less controversial or singular these are, the better they serve as a
foundation for the subject matter.

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