[Duraspace] SUNScholar/Upgrading/DSpace/Release Notes/3.2 - Libopedia

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 12:02:47 SAST 2014


​Hi All

Sorry for cross-posting, but this gets the message to as many people as
possible without repeating email message and perhaps making mistakes.

Stellenbosch University Library planned an upgrade of DSpace from 1.8.2 to
DSpace 3.2 during our summer vacation (Dec/Jan).
The upgrade was tested on our test/development server first and then
applied to our production server.​

The test server upgrade went well.
However when we applied the upgrade to our production server, things
started to pop up, which could not be anticipated on the test server.
The problem items are listed in the link above.

*For those planning an upgrade from DSpace 1.8.2 to DSpace 3.2 on a
production server are advised to check the links referenced by the URL
above very carefully.*


Hilton Gibson
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