[Duraspace] [EIFL-all] EIFL Newsletter No. 62 - March - April 2013
Andrius Krisciunas
andrius.krisciunas at eifl.net
Mon Mar 11 21:22:37 SAST 2013
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No. 62 - March - April 2013
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EIFL update
EIFL team meets Aung San Suu Kyi on Myanmar trip
As part of the Beyond Access delegation to Myanmar, EIFL team members Rima
Kupryte and Monika Elbert met with Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Myanmar MP
Aung San Suu Kyi.
EIFL-Licensing Update
Renewal agreement for OED Online and Oxford Reference Online
EIFL has signed a renewal agreement with Oxford University Press for the
Oxford English Dictionary Online and Oxford Reference Online. The agreement
runs to 31 December 2013.
Extension of pilot agreement for Wiley-Blackwell Standard Journals
The pilot agreement for Wiley-Blackwell Standard Journal Collections has
been extended until 31 December 2013.
Mary Ann Liebert Journals now available through EIFL
We have negotiated discounted pricing for the Mary Ann Liebert Journals
Collection for members of EIFL-partner consortia in Belarus, Estonia,
Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine
EIFL-OA Update
<http://www.eifl.net/news/eifl-joins-new-doaj-advisory-board> EIFL joins
the new DOAJ Advisory Board
Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, has been invited to join
the new Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Advisory Board - a group of
experts who has agreed to help DOAJ to establish their priorities and
generate ideas for further development and support.
<http://www.eifl.net/news/ept-awards-iryna-kuchma-her-advocacy-oa> EPT
awards Iryna Kuchma for her advocacy of OA
Congratulations to Iryna for winning the 2nd Annual Award from the
Electronic Publishing Trust for Development.
<http://www.eifl.net/news/eifl-releases-results-oa-advocacy-grants> EIFL
releases results of OA advocacy grants
We released ten EIFL open access advocacy case studies describing the
results of the 2012 national and institutional open access advocacy
campaigns to reach out to research communities in Africa and Europe.
<http://www.eifl.net/news/eifl-call-proposals-open-access-advocacy> EIFL
Call for proposals: Open access advocacy campaigns
Following the success of 2012 and 2011 grant competitions, the EIFL-OA
programme invites new proposals for organising national or institutional
open access advocacy campaigns to reach out to research communities.
Application deadline is Monday, April 15, 2013.
EIFL-IP Update
<http://www.eifl.net/news/eifl-statement-support-lcd-trips-waiver> EIFL
statement in support of LDC TRIPs waiver
EIFL supports request by Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for an extension
of the transition period for implementation of the WTO TRIPS agreement.
<http://www.eifl.net/news/thanks-cfl-tweeters> Thanks to CFL tweeters!
We were gratified by the many tweets that were sent following the launch of
"Copyright for Librarians: the essential handbook", and we enjoyed the
humorous ones as well.
EIFL supports open dialogue on text and data mining
EIFL joins open letter to European Commissioners on the approach of the
working group on text and data mining.
Copyright reform in Poland: libraries are prepared
The first in a series of case studies from EIFL-IP grantees with activities,
achievements and lessons learnt.
EIFL FOSS launches disability tools for libraries guide and support
EIFL-FOSS have produced a Disability Tools for Libraries step-by-step guide,
providing information on a small number of key software tools to assist with
a variety of library user needs. EIFL has also created a Facebook Group.
Join the group to ask questions and to share your stories.
<http://www.eifl.net/news/webinars-survey-reveals-foss-progress> Webinars
survey reveals FOSS progress
In January 2013 a short online survey were sent to all participants of 17
EIFL-FOSS webinars. The survey was a follow-up to the free webinar series to
better understand what people did with the knowledge gained from the
webinars. This article describes the results of the survey.
<http://www.eifl.net/news/libraries-tell-impact-stories> Libraries tell
impact stories
EIFL-PLIP grantee libraries that offer ICT skills training and employment
information services helped a total of 66 job-seekers from two complex
groups - the long-term unemployed and the homeless - into employment. We
take pleasure in sharing case studies of two public library services, in
Bulgaria and Croatia.
Library health services showcase their impact
Public libraries are using ICT to connect people to their doctors, support
major national health campaigns and contribute to healthy lifestyles of the
over-60s. We take pleasure in sharing case studies of three public library
health services, in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Lithuania.
Five library ICT services improve farmers' lives
Farmers are speaking to agricultural experts through webinars; advertising
their produce online; using the internet to research new agricultural
methods, and applying for grants and subsidies through innovative public
library services. Read case studies of five public library agricultural
services in Armenia, Colombia, Latvia, Lithuania and Macedonia.
Three public libraries help young people find jobs
Impact assessment results of three services for vulnerable youth - in
Kazakhstan, Uganda and South Africa - show that public libraries are
effective youth development partners. Read case studies of these services.
Five libraries win EIFL-PLIP award for social inclusion
Congratulations to the five public libraries in Africa, Europe and Latin
America that won the EIFL-PLIP award for services that contribute to social
inclusion in the community.
<http://www.eifl.net/news/new-plip-award-mark-international-women-day> New
PLIP award to mark international women's day
EIFL-PLIP celebrated International Women's Day, March 8, by launching a new
Innovation Award call - for public and community library services that use
information and communication technology (ICT) to empower women and girls.
Deadline for application is 8 May 2013.
4 Mar 2013
EIFL-PLIP <http://www.eifl.net/events/eifl-plip-and-irex-visit-uganda> and
IREX visit Uganda. Location: Kampala, Kitengesa, Masaka, Mubende and Zigoti
- Uganda
11 Mar 2013
Open Education <http://www.eifl.net/events/open-education-week-2013> Week
2013. Location: Global
12 Mar 2013
German <http://www.eifl.net/events/german-library-association-conference>
Library Association Conference. Location: Leipzig - Germany
13 Mar 2013
OA in <http://www.eifl.net/events/oa-kenya-tanzania-uganda-kick-meeting>
Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda kick-off meeting. Location: Dar es Salaam -
15 Mar 2013
ILS for Windows and Linux: Free Webinar from EIFL FOSS. Location: Online
25 Mar 2013
Bosnia <http://www.eifl.net/events/bosniaherzegovina-consortium-meeting>
&Herzegovina consortium meeting. Location: Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
26 Mar 2013
5th <http://www.eifl.net/events/5th-annual-seminar-tashkent-uzbekistan>
annual seminar in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Location: Tashkent - Uzbekistan
12 Apr 2013
IFLA CLM <http://www.eifl.net/events/ifla-clm-mid-term-meeting-1> mid-term
meeting. Location: The Hague - Netherlands
18 Apr 2013
Libraries <http://www.eifl.net/events/libraries-and-rros-introduction> and
RROs - an introduction. Location: Online
Keep in touch | About EIFL
<http://www.facebook.com/eIFL.net> Facebook
<http://twitter.com/eIFLnet> Twitter
<http://www.eifl.net/rss-all> RSS
EIFL is an international not-for-profit organisation based in Europe with a
global network of partners. Working in collaboration with libraries in more
than 60 developing and transition countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and
Latin America, EIFL enables access to knowledge for education, learning,
research and sustainable community development.
Join us in supporting EIFL and make a donation today. Together we will grow
EIFL's global network and raise the standard of education & living for
people in developing and transition countries for many generations to come.
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